Historical Miniatures
Sold out
Historical Miniatures
Axis & Allies (2004) - BGG 6.7, 6110 ratings (top)
Axis & Allies Angels 20 Airforce Miniatures for Beginners Axis & Allies
Join us for this novice high-flying event that teaches all players how to play Angels 20 Airforce Miniatures and you get to keep the miniatures.
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 5 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
Axis & Allies War at Sea Miniatures League Tournament Axis & Allies
Players will receive a 100+ pt. randomly pre-constructed fleet. All players entered must participate in League play in order to receive units. See the longer description for additional fleet rules.
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 2 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
Axis & Allies War at Sea Miniatures League Tournament Finals Axis & Allies
The top 2 players over the 3 days of War at Sea League matches advance to the single-elimination round of this tournament. The top 3 players receive prizes.
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 2 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
Axis & Allies War at Sea Miniatures League Tournament Quarteri-Finals Axis & Allies
The top 8 players over the 3 days of War at Sea League matches advance to the single-elimination round of this tournament. Prizes awarded to top 3 players.
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 4 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
Axis & Allies War at Sea Miniatures League Tournament Semi-Finals Axis & Allies
The top 4 players over the 3 days of War at Sea League matches advance to the single-elimination round of this tournament. Players with the best record and most pts. killed as tie-breaker advance.
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 4 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
Battle Cry (1999) - BGG 7.2, 3548 ratings (top)
Battleground HD (top)
Charlie Company (top)
Chicago Typewriter (homebrew) (top)
Flames of War (top)
108pt. Late War Tournament Flames of War
Come on out and test your Army and your skills against players from around the US. Three Rounds of play. We will try to keep Red vs. Blue matchups if possible.
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 7 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
70pt. Mid War Tournament Flames of War
Come on out and test your Army and your skills against players from around the US. Three Rounds of play. We will try to keep Red vs. Blue matchups if possible.
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 13 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 0 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
The Battle for Stalingrad - Mid War Flames of War
Choose the Soviet or German side in this fight based on the classic WW2 Eastern Front battle. Our Game Masters will teach you how to play. See if you can match the historical result.
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 1 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 0 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
Games of War (top)
General Glen's (top)
Wings of Glory (top)
Battle of St. Mihiel Salient Wings of Glory
Allied aircraft battle veteran German aviators in the skies over the St.Mihiel Salient. Take a miniature WW1 aircraft & sweep the skies of enemy planes in our 11th annual massive brawl in the sky!
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 10 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
Day of the Zeppelin Wings of Glory
A squadron of allied aircraft engage a massive German airship and her escort of fighters. Will the allies bring down the mighty zeppelin, or plunge to their doom from the skies over France?
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 4 tickets
- Sat 0 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
World War III Team Yankee (top)
Sold out
Historical Miniatures (top)
Axis & Allies War At Sea: Battle of Sparviento. Learn to Play. Axis & Allies War at Sea
This War at Sea Miniatures event is a team teaching, large-scale event for novice or first-time players. Game Miniatures will be provided.
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 0 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
Axis & Allies War at Sea Naval Miniatures Battlefest Axis & Allies War at Sea
This is a large-scale WAS naval battle. Up to 3 players/side. Must bring your own 250 pts. of Allied & Axis fleet /player. Most units destroyed on the winning side wins.
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 0 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
Battleground HD Vietnam Battleground HD
Hold a cordon along edge of the Iron Triangle as part of Operation Cedar Falls. 28mm Vietnam miniature skirmish wargaming.
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 0 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
Battle of Argusinae Trireme Miniature Battles
406 BC, Myilene, Asia MInor For the first time in the Peloponnesian War, the Spartans have the upper hand at sea. An Athenian fleet is blockaded, and another fleet is sent to the rescue!
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 0 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
Bootleggers Shootout Chicago Typewriter (homebrew)
Chicago Typewriter is a 28mm skirmish game using a d20 system set during the Prohibition Era. Players will control groups of characters ranging from moonshiners, bootleggers, police and the FBI.
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 0 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
Don't Give Up the Ship! Don't give up the Ship
A game of Napoleonic naval warfare vessels on the high seas. Co-Editor Mike Carr is your judge for this challenging game. Clear the decks and prepare for action!
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 0 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
Frederick the Great in Saxony, October 1758 Games of War
The Austrians turn the tables on the Prussians at Hochkirch, Saxony.
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 0 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
General Glen's Western Showdown General Glen's Showdown
Rival Gangs shoot it out over control of the factory. 54 mm.
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 0 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
King Kong: Monkeying Around! Wings of Glory
Join a squadron of WW1 fighter planes as they attempt to remove King Kong from the top of the Empire State Building!!
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 0 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
Learn to Play - World War II Flames of War
Our Game Masters will lead players through a World War II Battle - Learn to lead platoons of infantry and tanks to Victory!
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 0 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
Lee Marches on Maryland, 1862 Games of War
Lee launches a bold attempt to take the war to the Union & score a decisive victory.
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 0 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
Napoleon in Bavaria, 1809 Games of War
Napoleon attempts to stop the Austrian invasion of Bavaria.
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 0 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
The Battle of Arras Wings of Glory
Join us in a free-wheeling brawl in the skies, piloting a miniature World War One aircraft and downing your foes! Play as an ace pilot in the famed German Jasta 11, or as an intrepid allied pilot.
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 0 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets
Treasure of the Pirate King Sails of Glory
The rumors say the Pirate King is dead! Who will claim the vast treasures hidden in his island fortress? Gather your fleet and claim the bounty!!
- Wed 0 tickets
- Thurs 0 tickets
- Fri 0 tickets
- Sat 0 tickets
- Sun 0 tickets