Call to Adventure
Fri 2:00 PM - Fri 4:00 PM: 0 tickets, $4 each (Official Listing)

Players compete to craft the hero with the greatest destiny. Play cards to build your character, cast runes to face challenges, and choose to follow a path of heroism or villainy.


Fri 2:00 PM - Fri 4:00 PM
ICC / Room 120 / HQ
Long Description:
A game about choices. Do you begin as a Peasant or a Noble? Do you train your Strength or seek out Wisdom? Do you follow the path of a Hero or Antihero? Will your backstory ultimately be tragic or triumphant? On every step of your hero's journey, you'll have to choose between immediate rewards and long-term potential. Do you push your luck and face a daunting Challenge now, or build your Abilities until you're truly ready? It all starts with the first cards you'll see in the game: your Origin, Motivation, and Destiny: Each player is dealt two of each card type, giving you the chance to begin crafting your hero right away. The three cards you choose become your hero's Story, and most other cards you gain will be tucked under these initial Story cards.
Organizing Group:
GM Names:
Cassy Borley, Matt Layne, Jeff Sorensen
Event Type:
Rules Edition:
# Players:
1 - 7 players
Age Required:
Teen (13+)
Experience Required:
None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials Provided?:

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    2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
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    10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
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