Which Imp family can run the best pet shop for Dungeon Lords? Care for your Petz, build your reputation at pet shows, and find forever homes with Dungeon Lords for your adorable monsters.
Thu 2:00 PM - Thu 3:00 PM
/ 235--239
/ HQ
Long Description:
Dungeon Petz is a cute but crunchy thematic euro that features worker placement and turn order based on secret auctions. Deploy your Imps to shop for new Petz to fill your store, upgraded cages, artifacts, and food. Your Petz have minds of their own and whether they’re playful, aggressive, or sick, you will have to raise them from hatchlings to maturity, keeping them happy and healthy enough to show them at exhibitions, and hopefully sell them to Dungeon Lords for money and prestige. You have a limited number of rounds to make yours the best pet shop and win the game with the highest reputation. The Petz are cute, but watch out: they might bite or transport to another dimension! *This demo will walk you through the first couple of turns of the game and teach you everything you need to know to continue confidently on your own. You will be assisted by a member of our CGE demo team.*
Event Website:
Organizing Group:
GM Names:
Czech Games events@czechgames.com
Event Type:
Game System:
Rules Edition:
# Players:
2 - 4 players
Age Required:
Teen (13+)
Experience Required:
None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials Provided?:
Sessions Hide unavailable sessions
This event
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
4 tickets available -
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