What Lies Beyond…
Thu 6:00 PM - Thu 10:00 PM: 2 tickets, $10 each (Official Listing)

What Lies Beyond… experience the horror of a dead world & the horror of coming home.


Thu 6:00 PM - Thu 10:00 PM
Union Station / L & N / 1--2
Long Description:
What Lies Beyond... is designed to be a starting Episode for a full Season of play for Dark Aeons: The Atlantean Chronicles, or it can be a standalone Episode. The Dark Aeons core book is all that is required to use this Episode. However, it should be noted that the upcoming Arkham: City of Secrets book will expand on the Arkham setting in much greater detail than is presented here. As such, we have provided a set of pre-made Persona Sheets for this Episode in order for a Director to simply pick this Episode up and run it straight from the presented material.
Organizing Group:
GM Names:
Breanna Baker Cthulhu.international@gmail.com
Game System:
Dark Aeons
Rules Edition:
The Atlantean Chronicles
# Players:
3 - 9 players
Age Required:
Mature (18+)
Experience Required:
None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials Provided?:

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    6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
    2 tickets available


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