RPG-Modeling the American Revolution
Fri 7:00 PM - Fri 8:00 PM: 145 tickets, $0 each (Official Listing)

NSDM team's new American Revolution Game. Insights creating RPG model. Essential & flexible factual/counterfactual injects, roles, outcomes, keeping it credible. Moderator Jason Corner, lead designer


Fri 7:00 PM - Fri 8:00 PM
Le Meridien / Latitude / NSDM HQ
Long Description:
Discussing NSDM's new American Revolution Crisis MegaGame variant, the NSDM game design team will discuss insights gained in creating a model of the event for roll playing purposes. What historical figures to include, to amalgamate, or to exclude? What historical events to plan as inserts, what to leave out, what counter-factual events to stimulate game play and keep outcomes uncertain? When to begin the simulation, and how far to take it? Sensitivity issues with slavery and with relations with Native American nations. Panel will discuss issues of target audience and expectations of their baseline knowledge, background material to present, the balance between politicking and fighting, and how to keep the simulation from going off the rails. Moderated by Jason Corner, lead game designer for the Revolutionary War Crisis game variant, on the National Security Decision Making Game staff
GM Names:
NSDM, Mark McDonagh, Craig Greathouse, Merle Robinson, Evan Siegling, Michael Tucker, Jason Corner, Marc Parker, Ryan Good, Ronald Homer, Shawn Kratzert, Pat Jewett nsdmmail@gmail.com
Event Type:
Game System:
Rules Edition:
# Players:
1 - 150 players
Age Required:
Everyone (6+)
Experience Required:
None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials Provided?:

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  • This event
    7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    145 tickets available


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