Describes Revolution Crisis RPG, in which students experience events that turned colonists from mostly-loyal British subjects to revolt, and exercises team building, communication, negotiation skills.
Wed 4:00 PM - Wed 5:00 PM
/ Room 103
Long Description:
National Security Decision Making Game, Inc. designers discuss the American Revolution Crisis Game. The team has conducted seminar gaming since 1990, using professional techniques. As the US observes the 250th anniversary of key events, they felt it was a good time to reflect on personalities, agendas, events & energies that drove decisions. Developed in 2022 to create an interactive learning tool for the SHS and undergrad History-101 level, the game presents history in an experiential format that may impart insight a student won't get from books & lectures. On younger levels it also exercises team building, communication & negotiation skills. Historical figures included, amalgamated, excluded; events injected, counter-factual events to keep outcomes uncertain. How background material is provided, player aids used, character agendas applied. Game itself will be run Saturday at 6 pm.
Organizing Group:
GM Names:
Mark McDonagh, Merle Robinson, Jason Corner, Trade Day
Event Type:
Game System:
Rules Edition:
# Players:
5 - 80 players
Age Required:
Everyone (6+)
Experience Required:
None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials Provided?:
Sessions Hide unavailable sessions
This event
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
66 tickets available